the official song of the everyday people party

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

 maybe you would like our lord kitchener inspired coffee cup
for those days that you need some meaning and direction!
why not buy a coffee cup with our logo on it to show support.
as you can see this man is enjoying showing off his new everyday people coffee cup.

why not buy yourself some everyday people party merchandise these badges would look good on any jacket collar!
this another protest poster 
this is a protest poster against the current government. and the fact that manny of the current mp's are out of touch with the people 
this is a campaign poster for the party we used the idea of the lord kitchener wants you poster from 1914 because this is a poster everyone in britain knows and we thought the public would be able to relate to it in some way or another.

and also 
with out the people we are nothing 
why should we be taxed on simple pleasures like a pint? or a pasty?. lets stop these silly taxes!!!
just a little test to see if you are an everyday person or not

this is the official blog for the everyday people party
we are a political party which believes the power and control of the government should be handed back to the people and not controlled by rich and out of touch mp's who have no clue what living in the real world is like. 
this is the every day people parties manifesto

these are not just empty statements we make sure we keep our promises 
this is one of our campaign posters asking david cameron 
come back to reality were the normal person lives.
he should live like us for a few weeks to know exactly how his decisions affect us!!